Veni Mangé
Veni Mangé (VEN-ee MAR-jay), a Trinidadian creole expression for “Let’s Eat”, sums up the ethos of
As a self-taught devotee of all things culinary I enjoy finding new ways to express my own Trinidadian and Jamaican heritages in the kitchen.
On these pages it is my hope that I will successfully be able to convey my love of cooking, culture and international cuisine 🙂
How do I plan to do this? Well through sharing my own personal favorite recipes and ‘food porn’ *chuckle*
I look forward to your comments and suggestions. Like many of you I am budget-conscious and health-conscious and the dishes I prepare will to a large extent reflect these concerns. All recipes will be prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary law, i.e. kashrut, but fear not, they will also be extremely flavorful and imaginative. This is after all ‘fusion cuisine’ and I am after all an ‘island girl’!
So… without further adoo… let the games begin!