Trinidadian Cooking at

As I’ve mentioned earlier in this blog, I’m a HUGE fan of Michael Lomonaco’s Epicurious over on the Travel Channel. Thanks to that show I became aware of the website which is also the database of Gourmet and Bon Appetit
magazines. I only have one issue of Gourmet magazine, that I bought while at the Miami International Airport on my last visit to the US in 2004, but I loved the recipes that I made from it.
Imagine my surprise then when I realized that
Epicurious had a whole section devoted to Trinidadian cooking! We are also the only Caribbean island to be singled out. I’m telling you those Fodor editors were busy getting high or something!Anyway check it out. Put together by Ramin Ganeshram, the author of Sweet Hands: Island Cooking From Trinidad and Tobago, it features an interview with Chef Khalid Mohammed, chef at Battimamzelle Restaurant (which I mentioned the other day). Unlike many other sites (and I’m not calling names -yet-) this site does an admirable job at reflecting Trinidadian cuisine in an accurate light.
Each Caribbean country has its own “Creole” cuisine, the result of centuries of colonialism, slavery, and immigration that have fused influences from across the globe. But perhaps nowhere have more cultures mingled than in Trinidad and Tobago. In this twin island nation, Amerindian, French, Spanish, English, African, Chinese, East Indian, and Syrian ingredients and techniques have, over time, fused into a unique cooking style. In their daily diets, Trinidadians and Tobagonians (generally referred to simply as Trinidadians) pay homage to all of these diverse elements often on the same plate.
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Warning:!!! There are many sites (and I’m not calling names -yet-) publishing ‘traditional island recipes’ that are based in no other reality than the author’s mind. I will be featuring such recipes now and again in a ‘Best of the Worst’ series, so be on the look out. Sadly, thanks to Chenette, it looks like my own government’s tourism website (ok I called names :P) may have to be the first skewered, and here that honour was gonna go to England’s Delia Smith, oh well!