Taste of T&T 2007 – Chef & Gourmet Menu details
Well the menu and restaurant details for this weekend’s Taste of T&T are out, and I am impressed. These offerings sound delish! I am seriously reconsidering not shelling out for a gourmet ticket. Check ’em out! 🙂
ETA: Looks like I’ll be stuffing myself in Group C with Chennette and Lilandra 😀
Group C – Saturday:
Food Etcetera (Chef Dean Johnson): Spiced Rubbed Grilled Swordfish with a Pineapple Plaintain Chutney, served with Yam Croquettes and Wok-Seared Vegetables OR Crab-Stuffed Rolled Salmon Fillets with a Tomato Butter Sauce served with Yam Croquettes and Wok-Seared Vegetables
Bernard’s Gourmet Services (Chef Bernard Long): Assorted Fajitas with flour tortillas and traditional condiments. Live cooking of assorted Fajitas: Chicken, Shrimp and Lamb with some of your favorite Creole condiments
Ithaki – Cascadia Hotel (Executive Chef Raymond Joseph): Red Wine Caramelized Braised Lamb topped with an Apple Salsa accompanied by a Mexican Style Black Bean Ragout and assorted Diced Provision tossed in a Roast Garlic Olive Oil with Flaked Salt Cod and Brunoise of Vegetables
Amtar’s (Chef Amit and Tara Ravel): Masala Katchouri, Chicken Samosas, Vegetable Pakoora, Patras, Sliced Tandoori Chicken, Kaaju Pak
You know you want to be there! 🙂