Sugar High Friday #27: Chocolate By Brand

So the roundup for Sugar High Friday #27: Chocolate by Brand is here! šŸ™‚ This time it was hosted by the very smiley David Lebovitz, author of Room For Dessert : 110 Recipes for Cakes, Custards, Souffles, Tarts, Pies, Cobblers, Sorbets, Sherbets, Ice Creams, Cookies, Candies, and Cordials, Ripe for Dessert: 100 Outstanding Desserts With Fruitā€“Inside, Outside, Alongside and, only naturally, The Great Book of Chocolate.

My submission this time around was the below Upside-Down Chocolate Pudding.


It was sooo the YUM, and you can peep the recipe here šŸ˜€ Apparently it was also ā€˜peepedā€™ by the folks over at YumSugar, as they mentioned it as 1 of 3 entries, out of the 100+ that were submitted, that caught their eye!!! šŸ˜® ) The subsequent traffic has now pushed this recipe to the #1 spot on my most Popular posts sidebar. I hope that everyone who is new has enjoyed what theyā€™ve seen and that some of you stick around šŸ˜€

If you havenā€™t already, please do check out all the entries for Sugar High Friday #27: Chocolate by Brand over here. The submissions came from all over the world and I have bookmarked several myself to try in the near future šŸ™‚