Some Technical Tweaks :)

Things have really picked up at this month! Not only have I almost reached 200 posts! 😮 But comments have averaged between 20-40 a post 🙂 This upsurge made my old commenting system and search engine terribly unwieldy, so over the past 48 hours I have upgraded both 🙂

From now on the search engine will return the most revelant posts based on your search terms (rather than the most recent). Likewise the comments area is now being structured as threads. This allows you to directly post a response to a comment and the system will automatically group your response with the original. No more wading through unstructured replies, trying to get a sense of things. I strongly encourage you to use this feature so that TriniGourmet can become the ultimate resource (and community) that it was intended to be 🙂 Thanks for all the love and support and don’t be shy 😀 !!