Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon (recipe)

Originally made to break the Yom Kippur fast last year, this photo (and recipe) for Smoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs has languished for quite some time in my Drafts folder. Thankfully, Kochtopf’s ‘Smoking Allowed’ event has encouraged me to bring it into the light of day 🙂 Inspired by a recent No Smoking ban which is taking hold in German restaurants she has encouraged food bloggers to prepare and post recipes using smoked meats (or other smoked ingredients). For me the use of smoked salmon was a no-brainer. Smoked salmon is one of my favourite meats. I eat it plain, or with a drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle of black pepper. If I’m feeling ‘jazzy’ I’ll roll it up with cream cheese, and a basil leaf. I’m always finding new combinations for it. My favourite brand of salmon that is readily available here in Trinidad is Mirsa.

With our roots in smoking since 1990, Mirsa has achieved worldwide respect through its dedication to quality control and choice of only premium farm-raised salmon.
Our clientele is devoted to Mirsa products because they respect our high quality standards. Nothing leaves our plant without complete and thorough approval. In other words, if it’s not good enough for our precious families, it is not good enough for our clientele. We at Mirsa are proud to guarantee supreme quality. All of Mirsa products are strictly kosher under the supervision of the OK Laboratory.
Mirsa’s cold smoked salmons come in a variety of flavours, many of which were hitherto unknown to me. Right now my favourites are the Vodka Tri-Peppered Salmon and the Basil Pesto Salmon. Yum!
Since Smoked Salmon is ready-to-eat out of the pack it’s a traditional part of many post-Yom Kippur menus. Trust me after not eating or drinking for over 24 hours the last thing you want to do is wait even longer for food! Using a recipe from my then newly acquired (Entertain). I was able to whip up these creamy scrambled eggs in a matter of minutes. Piled high on honey-apple bagels they were the perfect counterfoil to my hunger!

Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon
Source: Party!: Simple and Delicious Party Food
Serves 4
8 eggs
1/3 cup light cream
2 tsp chopped fresh dill, plus extra to garnish
3.5 oz/100 g smoked salmon, cut into small pieces
2 tbsp butter
8 slices of rustic bread, toasted
1. Break the eggs into a large bowl and whisk together with the cream and dill.
2. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
3. Add the smoked salmon and mix to combine
4. Melt the butter in a large nonstick skillet and pour in the egg and smoked salmon mixture.
5. Using a wooden spatula, gently scrape the egg away from the sides of the skillet as it starts to set and swirl the skillet slightly to allow the uncooked egg to fill the surface.
6. When the eggs are almost cooked but still creamy, remove from the heat and spoon onto the prepared toast.
7. Serve immediately, garnished with a sprig of dill