Rosh Hashana Community Dinner 2007
This year the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana begins at sundown on September 8.
Normally at Rosh Hashana I have a rather fixed menu, sneaking in one or two new dishes for variety. Last year however I decided to shake things up, discarding my customary Coconut-Raisin Challah with an Apple Honey one that I discovered online. Well, I loved that recipe so much I have decided to use it again! It’s much too rich for my own regular usage, but for the New Year it’s just right!
Apple Honey Challah
Butternut Bisque with Cauliflower
Baked Fish Provencal Style (recipe coming soon)
Calypso Rice
Banana-Apple Crisp
I wish everyone who celebrates a happy and safe New Year with much joy and prosperity following in the year to come!
Rosh Hashana Community Dinner 2007