Passover 2009 Menu

The past two weeks have been a blur, and I’ve fallen behind on food events and posts. Not that I haven’t been cooking, but finding time to sort and edit has been sorely lacking. In due in no small part to my having a heavier workload combined with 2 consecutive ‘truncated’ work weeks. One because of the local Easter Holidays, and the other because of the recently Summit of the Americas. Somewhere in there I hosted a seder and here’s a little writeup of how that went! 🙂
Passover this year ran from April 8-16 and wow was it a busy one! In the midst of a huge recruitment drive, training new representatives and sorting/bagging and delivering orders, I suddenly decided to host a seder! My annual reggae-jazz seder is something I love to hold, but have been remiss in doing in the last 2 years due to various health issues. Now that I’m back on my feet again, it was time to dust off my ritual gear and celebrate! 🙂
Since I decided to throw my dinner with less than 48 hour notice, and many marts were going to have limited hours (and inventory) because of the Easter Weekend, I really had my work cut out for me 🙂 Because one of my invitees was a 100% raw foodist I initially constructed a Raw Seder menu (it was definitely challenging but much easier than I expected). When she was unable to attend however I shifted to pulling together a vegetarian menu as one of my RSVPs was vegetarian, and I love serving dairy desserts (mixing meat and dairy is a kosher no no).
The night was a wonderful success. Great guests, great conversation, laughter, food and wine. It was everything I hoped it would be, and it helped me to recharge and reinvigorate myself emotionally and spiritually (though it was quite taxing physically) 🙂
In the interest of posterity I now present you with both menus (recipes will be linked shortly) 🙂 Enjoy!
Sarina’s Raw Passover Menu
• Golden Pumpkin Soup
• Cranberry Almond Slaw
• Raw Lasagne Recipe
• Date & Pistachio icecream with fresh fruit and raw brownies
Sarina’s Vegetarian Passover Menu
• Butternut Squash Soup with Ginger
• Cranberry Almond Slaw
• Eggplant Mina
• 15 Minute Chocolate Amaretti Torte
• Moroccan Tea
Look forward to a spate of ‘catchup’ posts (some backdated) in the coming days! 🙂