My Top 3 Caribbean Baking Recipes for November :)
Chalk it up to my high functioning autism, or my devotion to High Fidelity, but I just LOVE making ‘best of’ and ‘top’ lists. That’s why I’ll be presenting them from time to time here. This time around I’m making a list of my Fave 3 Caribbean baked goods for November. Why for November? Well no reason really, maybe cos my Top 3 is constantly evolving and changing. So this is just a snapshot really, hope you enjoy it 🙂

Simple. Hearty. Wholesome. I usually make this for Sunday breakfast. It’s buttery and very filling, and preparation is a cinch!

This recipe came about as an ode to gluttony I suppose 🙂 Rum and Raisin is my favorite flavour of icecream, and I loved chocolate chip brownies. I pondered “what would happen if I put the two together into cake form”? 🙂
Although most people don’t think of Italian food and Caribbean as going together there -are- Italian communities to be found. Here in Trinidad, street names like Prada in the area of St. Clair are a testimony to the Italian immigrants of yore. One of my favorite eateries used to be Giovanni’s on Abercromby Street. Run by an Italian chef who fell in love with Trinidad, he now runs Ciao Vidalia at the Hotel Normandie. Another great authentic Italian eatery is Ristorante Garibaldi, and rounding the bunch we also have Il Colesseo, Panini Caf??? and the recently opened Caf??? del Mar at Crew’s Inn. Anyways! This recipe for Ciabatta Bread creates a very light loaf, soft and chewy on the inside with a thin crunchy rustic crust. I made it for my mom??????s birthday and it was a huge hit. It’s been linked to by and so I’ve gotten quite a lot of traffic because of it. I hope that the visitors who tried it liked it as much as I did 😀