Lion’s Baking Powder Commercial (video)
Call it nostalgia but it’s hard to convince me that the local commercials of the 80’s and 90’s didn’t have a certain ‘something’ that the current set lacks. There was something very magnetic about the hooks and taglines back then. Lion’s Baking Powder had a long running advertising campaign that really drilled home that not only would they make your breads lighter, you would also somehow now be magically linked to an unbroken family tree of local culinary traditions. I’m not sure how that worked but it did. To this day Lion’s Baking Powder is pretty much my first and last choice in baking powders. Now and then I’ve strayed, but I’ve always come to regret it. Or maybe that’s just subconscious guilt kicking in 😉 Local cooks, are you loyal to any brands, or do you just go with what’s closest/on sale? 🙂

This post was originally published October 04, 2009. It has been updated once since then.