I had never seen a Green Eggplant Before! Pt. 2
Mom and I have been very surprised and pleased at all the curiousity and interest that y’all have shown at our market find! We are pleased to now show you the conclusion of the Saga of the Green Goddess, as Monday morning she met her fate! 🙂
By the time I reached the kitchen the prep work had already began, however Mom had thoughtfully left some bits aside for me to take pictures of 🙂
The interior was quite pale, practically white, and the seeds were few.

Here is where it ended up, in my mom’s very yum ‘Chinese Chicken and Eggplant Soy Sauce thingy’ (name currently undergoing rewrites :P)

So how did it taste? Well I don’t think it was milder than the eggplants that I’ve tasted, but it was definitely sweeter! It also seemed to be of a firmer texture as it did not break down during the cooking process like the purple ones that we’re used to. 🙂 I enjoyed it a lot as did my mother. We’re gonna get a larger batch the next time around 🙂