Hello, Old Friend

Banana ‘trees’, Lady Young Road, Morvant
“Time, time, time, see whats become of me
While I looked around
For my possibilities” – A Hazy Shade of Winter, Simon & Garfunkel
I had the best intentions where blogging has been concerned, but like Simon & Garfunkel intimated time has a funny way of moving steadfastly on while we are preoccupied with our own visions. In my case, that vision has had me putting in long and longer hours, all away from the kitchen. I’ve been unable to cook or even finish my millions of draft posts. I feel horrid as even my Tuesdays with Dorie and Daring Baker/Kitchen adventures (which have been so inspiring) have been forced to languish. This isn’t to say however that I haven’t been eating. In fact, if anything my eating out has increased as a result of my offline exploits. I’ve run into many wonderful places both large and small (Uncle E’s, the Hyatt, West Mall’s surprisingly awesome Teriyaki Express) as well as sampled a few I’d rather not again (I sincerely don’t remember their names but they were both located in malls).
I can’t wait to share this information with you all, and to get back into the kitchen again! But bear with me a little longer, there still be bills to pay! 🙂