Fodors Travel Wire | Epicurean Caribbean: 10 Restaurants Worth the Splurge

Photo taken by the lovely and generous Chennette 😉
Fodor’s Travel Wire has come out with their list of Ten Best Caribbean restaurants, and sadness of sadness there isn’t a Trini name among them! Now why is this? After the obligatory outburst of anger and eventual resignation I have convinced myself that it had to be because:
1) We are not a tourist oriented economy (we have oil and natural gas), as a result we really don’t have many establishments that can compete with the ambience and mystique of those on the ‘tourist-reliant’ islands
2) Because we are not tourist oriented we also don’t tend to adapt our foods towards foreign palates. International fusion cuisine (as opposed to indigenous) is slowly taking off, especially at establishments like Battimamzelle (the Trini word for dragonfly), but it’s still a hit or miss affair.
3) None of the editors actually came here! (that’s the one I’m sticking to btw :P)
Read Fodors Travel Wire | Epicurean Caribbean: 10 Restaurants Worth the Splurge