“Paula’s Done Lost Her Cool” – ade (recipe)

When I read that YumSugar was having an American Idol Food Challenge my mind instantly went to Paula Abdul’s bizarre TV appearances earlier this year when promoting the current season.
Here in Trinidad we don’t get FOX (the channel that airs American Idol) so I’ve never seen an entire episode, but as we get many of the channels that discuss and analyse the results and controversies (Sanjaya!) I certainly have seen my fair share of clips.
This light and refreshing drink is great for everyday use as well as special occasions 🙂 And even better because it’s alcohol free it shouldn’t conflict with any ‘medications’ you may or may not be on 😉 Hear that Paula?!
1 pkt strawberry jello
1 bottle 7-up
1 pint orange juice
2 cups simple syrup
juice of 3 oranges
2 qts water
5 drops Angostura bitters
pinch of salt
1. Dissolve jello and cool
2. Add 7up, orange, syrup and water
3. Add sugar, lime juice, salt and Bitters
4. Mix well and serve or keep on ice.