Blogging By Mail (Treats From Belgium) – Part 2
As some of you may remember last year I took part in Happy Sorceress’ ‘Blogging by Mail‘ food blogger exchange. Basically food bloggers around the world prepare little (or large) packages of foodstuffs representative of their country/region for exchange with others. Sounds wonderful doesn’t it? 🙂
Well after sending out my package (which you can see here) I waited and waited for my own in turn. But one never came. Apparently the blogger who had been tagged to gift me had gone AWOL. I was a little sad but I figured that that’s how these things go sometimes. Well imagine my surprise to find out that the Happy Sorceress had not forgotten about me, and that a lovely blogger in Belgium (read: chocolate!) had agreed to fill in and send me stuff 😀 !!!

It’s very rare that I get mail addressed to Trinit??? et Tobago…. awwwesome 😀 Check out the nifty red Customs Inspection sticker
So what was in the package? Well you can see the array below 🙂 I’ve decided that each of the items was awesome enough to deserve their own entries. So I’ll be doing individual writeups for each, look forward to those! Until then feel free to drool, salivate and just openly envy me 🙂 I won’t mind! 😆