Blogging By Mail (Sweets from Trinidad) ā€“ Part 1


OOOO! My Blogging By Mail assignee received her package today šŸ™‚ I was worried that she would not get it before Xmas day so thatā€™s a big smile on my face šŸ˜€ Typical! Even Trini packages have to wait til the last possible moment to arrive šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€

I sent her Khurma


a Rum n Raisin chocolate bar (pictured above)

a Coco Crisp chocolate bar


coconut sugar cakes


a Chocolate Digestive


and a CD mix of traditional parang, parang soca, reggae hanukkah music and klezmer takes on traditional xmas carols šŸ˜€

Iā€™m so glad that she liked them!! šŸ˜€ You can read her write-up here and she did that cool thing with the Flickr photo where she made notes on each item. How cool is that ? šŸ˜€ I love sharing my countryā€™s offerings (as you can probably tell) and itā€™s so funny seeing my items in an unknown home in an unknown part of the world (to me) šŸ˜€

I love making foodie blogger friends šŸ˜€

Hmmmā€¦. Iā€™m still waiting on -my- Blogging by Mail package tho :*( Oh wellā€¦ the update page says the package has shipped šŸ˜€

Oh! BTW.. Iā€™m working on a program to share and thank everyone who takes the time to comment/subscribe/join my MyBlogLog community šŸ˜€ More on that in ā€™07!

Also! Next week my goal is to highlight cocktails, appetizers, and snacks that are perfect for the best New Yearā€™s Eve party! (or as we call it in Trinidad, Old Yearā€™s Night!) šŸ˜€ Be on the lookout!