Banana-Papaya Smoothie (recipe)
Since 2009 I have actively incorporated more raw and vegan dishes into my regular diet and have found the benefits to be multifold. For one my body hasn’t succumbed to flus the way it regularly did in the past and I have found that many autoimmune responses that I had in the past to stress have become a lot more manageable. With many of my favourite fruits and vegetables currently back in season, and with the summer months kicking in in the Northern Hemisphere what better way to inspire myself (and hopefully some of you out there) to enjoy a refreshing and nutritious guilt-free drink, like this Banana-Papaya Smoothie? 🙂
Papayas (or pawpaws as they are called here in Trinidad) are something of a wonder fruit, being packed chock full of vitamins as well as immune-boosting and disease-fighting components!

Banana-Papaya Smoothie
1 papaya
1 cup fresh coconut water
1 ripe banana
1 tblsp coconut oil
1 small handful of ice
1. Toss all ingredients into a blender and blend. Doesn’t get more simple than that! 😉
This recipe is an exclusive TriniGourmet original. Please do not share it or post it to your site without crediting A link back to our site is not necessary but always appreciated 🙂
Want more raw recipes? Check out the raw recipe section of Trinigourmet, and make sure to visit the Raw Cookbook area of Veni Mangé – my Amazon store!
This post was originally published on June 18, 2009. It has been updated once since then.