Army Of Chocolate Biscotti

Like most food bloggers I have amassed a huge set of backlinks to recipes that I want to ‘try’ one day 🙂 In fact, I would not be hurt if no one believes me anymore when I comment on their blog that I have bookmarked their recipe to try, as it appears that I never seem to get around to it. Well I have set a challenge to myself to become more proactive when it comes to actually putting these links and recipes to use 🙂
This time around I tackled my very first Dorie Greenspan recipe; Army of Chocolate biscotti. Veron of KitchenMusings first made and blogged about these in December of 2006. I promptly bookmarked it because A) chocolate B) biscotti and C) chocolate 🙂 Late one night this week the mysterious munchies came to roost and I knew it was ‘time’. The batter was not what I expected, much lighter and ‘mousse’ like in nature than other biscotti doughs I have prepared. The espresso really brought out the chocolate’s depth and filled the house with a wonderful aroma as everything baked.
The final results were light, crunchy, and not too sweet. Perfect for gnoshing and dunking 🙂 Definitely a keeper!