Rosh Hashana & Eid 2008: A Holiday Week in Review
Wow, so much went on last week! With Rosh Hashana and Eid overlapping this year I decided to cook up a storm! So what did I make?
Here were my menus for each day.

Raisin Challah
Day 1 – Rosh Hashana menu
Honey Raisin Challah
Homemade Tomato Soup
Vidalia Onion Fritters and Tamarind Dipping Sauce
Tishpishiti (Honey Nut Cake)

Day 2 – Eid ul Fitr menu
Aloo Pies
Ras Gullah
Fruit SaladETA: click here to view Lilandra’s Trinidadian Ramada and Eid Flickr set! 🙂
So how did everything turn out? Well mostly good, and for all the wins I will be posting the recipes over the coming days (and updating the links on this page as well). However, I must say I was quite disappointed with the Tishpishti. I had two recipes for this Sephardic dessert, one from Joan Nathan’s Jewish Cooking in America and one from Pamela Grau Twena’s The Sephardic Table. I ended up making Nathan’s recipe because I had the ingredients on hand, but it was all sorts of wrong (to me). Twena’s recipe is quite different in some key ways so I’m hoping that that one comes out much more to my recollection, and if so I -will- share at a later date 🙂
Last week I stumbled across two relatively unknown eating establishments and was blown away by the quality of service and food that they presented. The experience made me decide that in future I want to feature the cuisine of, not only the well-known eateries here in Trinidad, but also that of the small undiscovered gems. You can look forward to those features in the coming months.
Last week I also acquired a new cookbook (courtesy of my boytoy) that has impressed me greatly. Titled Party!: Simple and Delicious Party Food, it offers a wide range of quick and easy appetizers and snacks, ideal for casul to semi-formal get togethers. More on that later as well! 🙂
Well I’m winding down for my final few morsels before commencing on the Yom Kippur Fast. For all who observe it, have a safe and easy fast. G’mar Chatimah Tovah.