Coco-Mango Smoothie (recipe)

I gotta tell ya. I’m feeling really left out of the foodie blogsphere right about now. It seems all everyone is talking about is summer salads, strawberries, blueberries, peaches light dinners and OMG it’s so hot they can’t eat ‘real food’ … and I’m sitting here in my tropical yard where it’s the same high temperatures the year round trying to figure out how I am able to eat ‘real food’ the year round and what I should showcase as a result :lol:!
Because we shop from the local markets the content of the shopping cart will vary with what’s in season but to say that there is a time when I eat heavier foods, and another time when I eat lighter, well no.. can’t relate. Hot food, cold food, just gimme gimme me good food! 🙂
That’s why I really liked the topic of this month’s Monthly Mingle… Scream For IceCream 🙂 Not only because it was something that I could relate to but I also knew how to mix it with something that -is- in season right now, MANGOES 🙂 yum!
Icy, tropical and sinfully sweet, I only wish I had bought a larger vat of coconut icecream so I could have made seconds and thirds 🙂
Coco-Mango Smoothie
Serving Size: 2
1 cup peeled and sliced mango
1 cup fat-free/skim milk
1 8-ounce container coconut ice cream
1/4 teaspoon Angostura bitters
Mango slices (optional)

Combine first 4 ingredients in blender. Cover and blend until smooth. To serve, pour into glasses. If desired, garnish with fresh mango slices.
This recipe is an exclusive TriniGourmet original. Please do not share it or post it to your site without crediting A link back to our site is not necessary but always appreciated 🙂