Carmen’s Jamaican Ginger Beer (recipe)

My mom’s Jamaican Ginger Beer brewing in the sun 😀 The above scene and bottle feel as though they have always been with me, they occur with such comforting regularity. Ginger beer is something that is enjoyed by both Trinis and Jamaicans however in my 

Banana-Papaya Smoothie (recipe)

Since 2009 I have actively incorporated more raw and vegan dishes into my regular diet and have found the benefits to be multifold. For one my body hasn’t succumbed to flus the way it regularly did in the past and I have found that many 

Sarina’s Trinidad-Style Garlic Sauce (recipe)

Sarina’s Trinidad-Style Garlic Sauce (recipe)

No Trini condiment series would be complete without a recipe for garlic sauce. Garlic sauce is one of those local favourites that can be found everywhere from beachside stands , to popular ‘grill’ joints as well as streetside food vendors. Indeed many street vendors have 

Green Olive Tapenade (recipe)

Green Olive Tapenade (recipe)

Tapenades are one of my entertaining ‘secret weapons’. Blend a few ingredients, add a drizzle of olive oil, some salt and pepper and people think you have been slaving for hours 😆 This one for Green Olive tapenade is one of my favourites. Because there 

Raw Green Mango Chow (recipe)

This post was originally published on February 6, 2009. It has been updated once since then for submission to Mango Moods Earlier this month I asked Trinigourmet readers on Facebook and Twitter what their favourite way to enjoy mango was. The runaway winner? Mango Chow! 

Yu Sheng/Yee Sang “Rainbow Raw Fish Salad” (recipe)

This post was originally published on February 18, 2009. It has been updated once since then. Prior to last year I had never heard of Yu Sheng (also known as Yee Sang), indeed I only became aware of its existence thanks to research done for 

Sarina’s Cranberry Almond Slaw (recipe)

Salads in Trinidad are traditionally a disheartening affair that leaves you wondering why the cook/establishment even bothered. Two wilted lettuce leaves, a force-ripe watery slice of tomato, and some slivers of cucumber served either unadorned, or swimming in some vague mystery oil with specks of 

Sarina’s Spinach-Ginger Salad (recipe)

This quick and simple salad is perked up by the addition of slivered stem ginger. Stem ginger is an ingredient that doesn’t get as much love as I think it should. It’s usually found in the baking aisle, but at times I have seen it 

Passover 2009 Menu

The past two weeks have been a blur, and I’ve fallen behind on food events and posts. Not that I haven’t been cooking, but finding time to sort and edit has been sorely lacking. In due in no small part to my having a heavier 

Raw Soursop Icecream (recipe)

As my ‘raw’ adventures continue I find myself viewing the fruits and vegetables in supermarkets and roadside stalls with an almost reborn eye. This ice cream came about as a glut of soursops came into my line of sight and instantaneously caught my imagination. Soursop 

Basil Lemonade (recipe)

As promised, here is the Basil Lemonade recipe that I made for Stephanie’s 43rd edition of Blog Party! One of the things that I love about adding basil to beverages is the muted herbal flavour that it imparts. This lemonade is no exception. It softens 

Chocolate Valentino & Raw Vanilla Softserve (recipes)

Chocolate Valentino & Raw Vanilla Softserve (recipes)

Look at that cake! So perfect for this month’s Daring Bakers Challenge! Chocolatey, gooey, with a thin, crackly brownie-like crust… so light but rich, it melts on your tongue… and.. not a drop of flour in sight! *record scratch* … Yup, you heard me! A 

Raw Vegan Brownies (recipe)

Raw Vegan Brownies (recipe)

This recipe (well one of its variants) was my first introduction to raw ‘cuisine’. In my rather shallow, self-indulgent mind, if I could enjoy desserts as these, without fuss or guilt, I owed it to myself to learn more! Since then you’ll be happy to 

Beet ‘Koolaid’ (recipe)

Beet ‘Koolaid’ (recipe)

Beets. You either love them or hate them. This vibrant, juicy root vegetable seems to polarize people whenever I bring them up for discussion. As a kid I grew up drinking (and loving beet juice), but as an adult I find myself less and less