Punch de Creme (recipe)

Punch de Creme (recipe)

Punch de Creme, is another of Trinidad’s traditional Christmas drinks. One thing that I really like about punch de creme (as opposed to traditional eggnog) is the use of citrus flavors like lime and Angostura bitters (which has orange extract). This gives the ‘nog’ a 

QUICK GINGER BEER Recipe at Epicurious.com

Well you know how Trinis like how to do everything las’ minute? 🙂 If you don’t have enough time to try my mother’s ginger beer recipe, here is a quick recipe from Epicurious.com that needs only 24 hours fermentation. Best of luck! 😀 Click here 

Carmen’s Jamaican Ginger Beer (recipe)

My mom’s Jamaican Ginger Beer brewing in the sun 😀 The above scene and bottle feel as though they have always been with me, they occur with such comforting regularity. Ginger beer is something that is enjoyed by both Trinis and Jamaicans however in my 

Jamaican Sorrel Rum Punch (recipe)

    When I first made this in 2006 it was my first time using a pack of dried sorrel for a recipe. I was pleasantly surprised. If you allow it to steep overnight the results are pretty damn good. The below recipe is my 

Sorrel Drink (recipe & video)

Christmas in Trinidad is a diverse multicultural affair. Not just for the Christian population, but also through the secular participation of the nation at large through the enjoyment of our local christmas songs (called parang) and especially the creation and consumption of our traditional Christmas 

Dewar’s Scotch Tasting: Entering the World of Spirits

Friday, October 19th found me at the Trinidad Hilton’s Grand Ballroom, for a Dewar’s Whisky Tasting with their Global Brand Ambassador Fraser Campbell. Although I consider myself a neophyte to the world of spirits, I’m not that much in the dark that I don’t know 

Iced Lemon Ginger Tea (recipe)

Iced Lemon Ginger Tea (recipe)

As promised, here is the recipe for the Iced Ginger Lemon Tea which was the beverage component of my submission to the 40th installment of Happy Sorceress’ Blog Party series. This drink is wonderfully refreshing and has a soft muted tone, thanks to the use 

Banana-Papaya Smoothie (recipe)

Since 2009 I have actively incorporated more raw and vegan dishes into my regular diet and have found the benefits to be multifold. For one my body hasn’t succumbed to flus the way it regularly did in the past and I have found that many 

Cassava Porridge (recipe)

As long-time readers of Trinigourmet would know, I am something of a porridge junkie. My own particular affinity is for cornmeal porridge, however that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a wide array of others that are familiar to the Caribbean home. In recent months I 

Sarina’s Curried Potato ‘mini’ Latkes & Bubbly Guava-Ginger Ale

Sarina’s Curried Potato ‘mini’ Latkes & Bubbly Guava-Ginger Ale

How have you been enjoying my Hanukkah 2010 series so far? At the moment I seem to be having a little trouble with my RSS feed so if you have not received the posts so far you can check out the recipe roundup to date 

1987 Malta Carib Commercial (video)

1987 Malta Carib Commercial (video)

Malta Carib has been a staple in my home since I was a child. Growing up I felt like quite a ‘big woman’ drinking it from the bottle (I had no idea it was non-alcoholic 😆 ). During the 80’s it was promoted not just 

Aromatic Angostura Coffee

Aromatic Angostura Coffee

Why not try a few dashes of Angostura bitters in your cup of coffee today? 🙂 Amazon.com Widgets This post was originally published December 8, 2006. It has been updated once since then.

A Beer is a… Carib (video)

A Beer is a… Carib (video)

Carib Brewery, Eastern Main Road, Champs Fleurs Ask any Trinidadian to complete the following phrase. A beer is a … and you’ll instantly hear a loud uproarious ‘Carib’. For over 50 years the Carib Brewery has been producing Carib beer to the delight of Trinis 

Rumona Liqueur (Caribbean Beachcomber advertisement July/August 1969)

Rumona Liqueur (Caribbean Beachcomber advertisement July/August 1969)

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Rumona liqueur is still very much in production. Unfortunately, I was not able to learn too much more about the history of this product online. If anyone wants to share some info with me I’d really appreciate it!